We-ness is run by David Wiking. I have many years of experience from working with sustainable development with governments, with the private sector and with civil society.
In short, among other things I have also:
- worked in or with most parts of the world with a particular focus on Sub-Saharan Africa.
- many years of experience as a manager, leader and facilitator of change and development.
- in-depth knowledge of many of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
- successfully managed to mainstream sustainable development in business, in more traditional aid projects as well as at workplaces (gender parity in recruitment, “green office” etc.)
- supervised portfolios and projects with a total value exceeding 150 MUSD.
- a background as an expert in democracy, human rights and conflict management. I also have a substantial experience from influencing and advocating successfully for e.g. gender equality.
In my last position I worked as an Assistant Director General at the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) where I was part of the senior management group and responsible for Operational Support. Among other things I was responsible for anti-corruption, procurements, legal affairs and other compliance functions, as well as evaluations.
My network is international, and I frequently work with both business, governments, civil society, academia and intergovernmental organisations (such as the United Nations, OECD, the World Bank and the African Development Bank).