
Reflektioner efter fem år som hållbarhetsrådgivare

Del 1. I denna blogg delar jag  några reflektioner jag gjort de senaste åren. Om att det skett mycket: det som tidigare var aspirationer är nu hygien. Och om floskler, flygskam, samarbete, om investerarnas roll, och om impact Läs här

April 2024

Some updates on the Nature Restoration Law, CSRD, the Due Diligence Directive, the new Human Development Report,  Obsessive Measurement Disorder vs Pragmatic bureaucracy. Read more 

Triangle of Impact: a method to improve your social sustainability

In this post we share the foundations of a method developed to help companies improve their social sustainability. With a focus on positive impact. Read more!


Elbilar. Komplext men normalt det bättre alternativet

This time a brief analysis in Swedish about cars, more specifically EV:s. Read more here

2023 – some good and bad news

In this letter we try to summarize some of the sustainability events taking place in 2023, with a particular focus on good news. Including COP28, social sustainability, biodiversity and CSRD. Read more here

What is going on at COP28? 

In this (November) Newsletter we look at some of the things going on at COP28, in Dubai. Read more here


Abbreviations and concepts

In this newsletter we briefly try to explain the meaning of some key sustainability concepts. Hope it is of use! Read more here

September 2023

This newsletter is mostly about Sustainable Business Models. In addition, some information on the Climate Summit in Nariobi and the UN General Assembly in New York. Read here.

June- July 2023

New Standards for sustainability reporting approved by the EU Commission, new OECD Guidelines, slow progress with regard to Agenda 2030 and Social Return on Investment! Read here!

May 2023

Safe and Just Earth System Boundaries, Just Green Transition, a roadmap towards a more sustainable economy – and due diligence legislation finally approved. Lot of things happening! Read a short summary here

April 2023

With too much uncertainty companies are reluctant to invest, Georgia is moving forward, the European Emission Trading system, aviation fuel and a good example of how we can learn from sustainability reporting. That’s it. Read here

March 2023 

A short summary of the latest IPCC-report (we need to act now to reduce emissions and also prepare for higher temperatures) and the innovative Norwegian Transparency Act: Some 9000 companies will have to make human rights due diligence assessments. Read more

February 2023 

In this newletter we question the usefulness of guidlines – yet we share a few of those that we like 🙂 (on diversity and suppliers code of conduct). Also some reflections relating to the war in Ukraine and a link to an important report by UNDP on why people join extremist groups. Read here

What can we expect from 2023?

In this January newsletter I share some of my thoughts on what we will hear more about and what we can expect in 2023. E.g. regarding the EU, disclosures, purpose & impact, aid & trade and more! Read more here

What happened in 2022?

In this newsletter we focus on some of the great things that came out of 2022. Quite a lot, actually. (ther’s also a short summary of what We-ness did and achived in 2022 – also quite a lot). Enjoy! Read here

We-ness News November 2022

COP 15 on biodiversity, short re-cap of COP 27 and some reflections and links related to social sustainability. Read here 



We-ness News October 2022

COP27: what is at stake? (including the view from Swedish companies), Leadership for sustainability and some reflections about the new Swedish government and what the private sector expects. And a link to an exciting climate game! Read more here


We-ness News September 2022

Human Development Report, Sustainable investments, ESG in the US and how that may relate to purpose. And a couple of examples: IKEA and social sustainability and a new method document on circular economy (PaaS)) Read more here

We-ness News August 2022

Milton Friedman and corporate legislation, reporting requirements vs human rights due dilligence, ESG without the S&G and finally a few words about what Swedish companies expect and the American climate package. Interesting? Then read more here

We-ness News June 2022

Abortion – a human right? WTO & G7 summits, new GRI sector standard and a new sustainability manifesto from the Swedish pharma sector – the way to go? Read more here 

We-ness News May 2022

Stockholm +50, Davos, Reporting standards (B-corp, GRI, SASB…) and a call for action: Just Do It! Read more here.

We-ness News April 2022

Some reflections on the latest IPCC report (with hopes and challenges. Not least for investors) and on how Purpose can strengthen your business. Read more here

We-ness News March 2022

Some current news and some 4 sustainability issues that I think all companies and organisations should disclose. Read here


We-ness News February 2022

A letter with reflections on Ukraine, on IPCCs recent report on adaptation and on the recommendations for a social taxonomy for sustainable investments. Read it here!


We-ness News January 2022

A letter on sustainable (impact) investments, Lary Fink’s letter to CEO’s and Guterres’ plan for 2022. Here it is!


We-ness Newsletter/årskrönika 2021

Nu är det dags att försöka sammanfatta året, inspirerat av årets 10 Hållbarhetsbrev och tre möten jag hade häromdagen. Ett händelserikt och inspirerande år, tycker jag. Läs mer här.


We-ness Newsletter/hållbarhetsbrev #10, november 2021

I detta hålbarhetsbrev skriver jag om COP26, om cirkulär ekonomi, social hållbarhet och om en granskning av de som gör hållbarhetsrankningar. Kortfattat och viktigt. Läs gärna mer här

We-ness newsletter/Hållbarhetsbrev #9, oktober 2021

Denna gång om rankningen Hållbara bolag, om Nordens mest hållbara fastighetsbolag, om EU:s sociala taxonomi, nyheter kring hållbarhets-rapportering och en del annat. Läs mer här. 

We-ness newsletter/Hållbarhetsbrev #8, september 2021

Om hållbart företagande, livsmedel, malaria, elbrist i Kina och en del annat. Läs hela brevet, som blivit något kortare, här.

We-ness newsletter/Hållbarhetsbrev #7, juli – augusti 2021

The IPCC-report, The Green Deal, sustainability reporting, a new economic paradigm in the making? And much more. Läs hela brevet här.

We-ness newsletter/Hållbarhetbrev #6 juni 2021

How are we progressing with regard to the SDG:s? And how can companies work together to fight corruption? That, some info on the EU taxonomy and a lot more in this months (slightly shorter) newsletter. Läs hela  brevet här.

We-ness newsletter/Hållbarhetbrev #5 maj 2021

What is a “sustainable company” and how important is it for a company to be “sustainable”? Are cooperatives and family owned businesses more sustainable than other companies? And a lot of sustainability news from May, of course. Läs hela brevet här. 


We-ness newsletter/Hållbarhetbrev #4 april 2021

New commitments following Biden’s climate summit, Coop’s new ‘sustainability declaration’, sustainability frameworks and certifications, an interview with Olav Fromm, CEO of B-Corp certified Chiesi Nordic. Läs hela brevet här

We-ness newsletter/Hållbarhetsbrev #3 mars 2021

Corruption, EU’s disclosure regulation, freshwater, products as a service and much more. We-ness newsletter is in Swedish and you can read it here


We-ness newsletter/Hållbarhetsbrev #2 februari 2021

On the EU taxonomy for sustainable investments, creating value through sustainability an the UN report “Making Peace with Nature”. Among other things. Läs mer här

We-ness newsletter/Hållbarhetsbrev #1 januari 2021

Our first newsletter! On Hybrit, Circular economy and the Global Risk Report from the World Economic Forum. Läs mer här.

Why are some companies still so poor in measuring impact beyond profit?

As a decision maker you need data. The more data, and the more capacity to analyse the data, the better the quality of the decision. (At least in theory. In reality other factors also come at play, such as feelings and quality of data). With the abundance of data we have today, and the huge capacity to analyse data, decisions today ought to be great. But they aren’t always.   Read more

Investing for impact. And investing responsibly

Digitalisation has largely changed the conditions for doing business.Some talk of a fourth industrial revolution that will redefine not only business but also how we live, work and relate to one another. It can easily be argued that a parallel, yet highly related trend, is the aspirations to build a more sustainable society, through more responsible business. And perhaps even more than that, business that not only settles with avoiding being part of the problem – but attempts to be part of the solution. It is within that context we should look at impact investments. Read more.

This is a defining moment of our time!

I don’t mean to sound too formal or stiff, but I really believe that…

This is a defining moment of our time. This is the moment upon which future generations will hold us accountable; will we do what it takes to achieve the 17 sustainable development goals? Read more