A presentation will provide you, your management, and your staff an understanding of why sustainability is so vital and an appreciation for what it may entail for your business/organisation. How sustainability can become a business opportunity and risks that you need to be aware of. You will understand how the Global Goals (Agenda 2030) came about, what they imply for the activities of your organization and what individuals can do in practice to contribute to sustainability.
We can tailor a presentation for your organisation at various levels, either more interactive or as a lecture, depending on your needs. We often develop a presentation as part of a “kick-off” or a way to stimulate discussions within an organisation. Perhaps this approach would be the perfect way for your company to kick start or revitalise your sustainability work?
“En vitamininjektion med David Wiking som hjälpte oss föra våra diskussioner om hållbara resultat, lärande och Agenda 2030 ännu längre.”
Catharina Cappelin
Avdelningschef – internationell chef vid Riksrevisionen